
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I Think I Think Too... Much

When a big event or decision is about to take place, do you ever find that you can't switch off your brain from over analyzing every detail? I know I do. I have been worrying lately about the IVF process. I am not having doubts in the direction we are heading, more in my ability to follow all the directions.

We went to the IVF class two weekends ago and it just blew me away with all the steps that are involved. I have successfully completed the first step: birth control. That was the easy part. This Friday I go in for my first appointment to check on suppression. I will be able to tell you more about that this weekend. If all checks out, we will begin our shots on Friday.

That is where my thinking too much kicks in. I have been having nightmares about my inability to keep all the medicines straight. We have a fridge full and box full of meds at home right now, just waiting to be used. During our class, we learned that we will have to mix some of our meds before we inject them. That scares me to death. I keep thinking:
What if I mess up? What if I can't get all the medicine into the needle and my hormone levels get messed up?
Okay, I'm rambling now. I'm just so nervous! It's a big investment and I just want to get it right. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to calm a racing mind?


  1. I don't know much about calming a racing mind except that sometimes making lists helps me. What about an Excel spreadsheet for each of your meds showing how often and amounts, etc.? Sometimes feeling like I have my mind wrapped around the details is enough. Good luck with such a big step!!

    -Megan (Google doesn't let me sign into my profile right now)

  2. I like your suggestion. Lists always help me feel more prepared also. Thanks for the advice.
